Friday, January 30, 2009

I don't have too many projects! I don't...

Ok so I know that I'm supposed to be finishing my pink sweater and everything but I REALLY want a steampunk hat.  Now that I know what this stuff is and realize that there are others like me who have always been fascinated with the industrial revolution and such I want to put myself out there as a fellow supporter.  I have always been steampunk I just didn't know there was a name for it and now that I do I want to fully embrace it all.  (I wear things on my sleeve, or my backpack if you knew me in high school,) I love it and I want something obvious to wear around and display it.  So I decided on a hat, (like I don't already own about 47 hats,) and I want a top hat like bowler crossbreed because I think that is what will look best on me but here's the thing; I want it in purple.  Or possibly navy but like a Sapphire kind of navy.  I want a jewel tone anyway,  some nice deep eggplanty blueish purple top hat hybrid thing.  So where do I find that?  I don't I make it and that is why I just want to throw all my other projects aside and make myself my lovely hat that will not go with anything I own at the end of it.  Pretty sweet eh?  Also I finally got some hours at work so I will have even less time than usual to do it in.  Awesome right?  On the other hand getting hours means that I will have the money to pay for the supplies that I need to make my special hat.  It's a vicious circle.  So yeah,... I think I need to head to Windsor today and see if I can't find my perfect color in lamb's pride maybe, (so I can felt it when I'm done,) so I can whip up my patternless hat and dig myself a little deeper into this hole I've been working on for quite some time.  HA! and I think I might crochet it too!  (I am NOT a good crocheter,) oh I've gone off the deep end, anyone feel like saving me?
P.S. I finally got a real wrist brace thingy so my hand is actually doing better woot.

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