Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Everyone said 2009 would be better...

Ok so I got the call this morning that I got the job at Logan airport that I interviewed for last week and I am so unbelievably happy that I can hardly sit still!  I mean fuck, I got fired in July and had one four hour temp job since it's about fucking time you know?  Also Arisia was a complete blast, maybe the best year ever; I met up with some people that I hung out with last year and actually gave them my info for once, (I was very generous with my business cards this time,) and I met a bunch of new people that I fully intend to hang on to for life or longer.  Things are looking good so far.  I start my job tomorrow which is awesome but sucks because I still haven't quite recovered from all the late nights at the con but I also haven't slept in my own bed since Thursday so that might have something to do with it.  Also I am now kind of in love with Steampunk and I already have several hair and jewelry designs floating around in my head which of course I want to run out and get started on right now but I am doing no more crafting until my hand starts working again.  I am wrapping it up tonight and I am not unwrapping it until I can move my goddamned wrist without flinching!  I am however going to throw everything that didn't sell at the con up on Etsy like, right fucking now and hopefully we will all recoup the expenses from the hotel and supplies.  BTW big huge thanks to Dawna and Lily for helping out me and Morrigan with the shop at the con I don't know what we would have done with out you!  Love, kisses, and everything wonderful :)

1 comment:

  1. I also had a really good time this weekend. no problem helping out. Congrads on the job!!!! Dawna
