Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ok so new year new start...

And all that fun stuff right? Ok so here's the goal; less smoking, less white food, more running. You can't change the world, you can only change yourself. Well I'm behind on that. Or maybe I changed but just not for the better and well I'm done with that; it's time to get my shit together and get going on my grown up life. I am out of school and it's time to start being an adult, (actually it's a bit late but at least I got there within a year.) time to stop being a lazy punkass and do everything I'm always talking about doing. That's one of my other things; I'm an Aries and no one ever knows it, in fact it's usually their last guess. Well not any more, I used to be a pretty blatant Aries and then I got beat down by people and school and everything else. Well I liked being upfront, and confident, and not giving a shit what other people thought and I'm gonna try and get back to that. Also I hacked my hair. I don't know. I really think that sometimes when I go to cut my hair that my hands are possessed by little demons that cut off more than I meant to while I just watch in horror unable to stop them from continuing. I guess that's about it for now, I am going to really have to buckle down to get everything finished for Arisia in two weeks so I may be incoherent for the next few weeks, (like anything could beat my cracktastic Christmas Eve post,) but if you're going to the con look me up and you'll get to see me overtired, broke, and high on sci-fi fumes. What could be more fun. Ok I'm done.

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