Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So I haven't seen anyone in like, forever...

So here it is the update on my life.  I've been working like crazy although still only four days a week and I still don't have the keys I need to get to the safe or the stock or anything but hey money is money, I am currently staying at Hyde's place, (the boy I met at Arisia,) but there's nothing going on there, (Thank GOD!) I'm not sure for how long cause I'm just waiting for Morrigan's mum to move from the bedroom to the living room and then I can move in there but I don't know when that is happening and I haven't really knit anything in about a month.  I just about finished my top hat but I don't like the brim so I think I'll frog that part and try again and I'm almost done with my navy blue bowler hat that I haven't really mentioned to anyone yet cept Lily and Morri so I've been crocheting a lot lately.  Just  in case you think I may have gone to the dark side though my uncle's bday is in about a week and I need to speed knit his ass some socks which I already have the yarn for so at least I'm not spending anymore money.  So yeah, still living out of boxes, still not having a life and to top it all off I haven't been to knitting in about a month because I always have to work.  Sweet right?  The hand is a great deal better although not well yet but it is definitely better than it was so I guess that's something.  I'll try to keep up with this anyway since I have access now so at least you all won't think I found the edge of the earth and fell off.  Gotta go to sleep now huzzah!

1 comment:

  1. Updates,Updates - we need updates!! How's the new place?
